MSQ-32 from B.Serrano is a “Steps Sequencer” “32 steps matrix sequencer 8 simulatneous patterns Real-time transpose via MIDI Can pilot software & hardware gears” Downloads:Windows VST32 v1.1 (1.76 Mb)
aXYs from B.Serrano is a “MIDI CC XY pad controller” “aXYs is a XY MIDI controller for VST plugins. You can assign X and Y axis to multiples parameters with… Read more »
Jomox Airbase 99 Control from Angular Momentum is a “Jomox AirBase 99 Controller” “Editing your Airbase from your VST compatible DAW made easy.” Downloads:Windows VST32 v1.0 (2.04 Mb)
Uni-control from Angular Momentum is a “Universal MIDI controller” “Universal MIDI controller. Comes as plug-in and stand alone program.” Downloads:Windows VST32 v1.0 (3.45 Mb)